Thursday, March 11, 2010

how felons would rule the world

Monday I showed the movie 2012 to eighteen men held in the highest felony classification at MDC. Wednesday we talked about the film. I asked them

"If you were on one of those arcs, and landed in a new world: how would you run it?

They said:

1. We would organize people right way to raise stock and get agriculture going.

2. Everyone would receive land to cultivate.

3. We would set up communication systems and technology to keep everyone connected right away.

4. All leaders would be volunteers, not paid in order to eliminate corruption.

5. We would govern ourselves by counsels like Native Americans. Everyone has a voice.

6. There would be no money, but a barter system.

7. Child molesters, rapists, and malicious murderers would be tried by a counsel of their peers and swiftly put to death if found guilty.

8. Herbs such as marijuana and poppy would be respected for their and recreational medical value and be legal.

9. Diversity and unity wold be developed through education.

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